Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Every step we take

On our bus ride back from office yesterday I was just wondering, every single thing I do in a day only goes towards degrading the environment. Right from the moment i get up, the toothpaste is made in a way that pollutes the envt, so is the soap...The pumping of the water and the working of the geyser take electricity which means burnt fuel, then comes the newspaper and on and on and on...every single step goes towards degradation and not one thing i do goes towards working for improving the envt. and thats just me...there are billions of me out there...

we are going to have to pay for our sins...and so we are...the air is more polluted and so is the water, the weather is changing patterns, glaciers are melting, our previous generation led a healthier life than us and we better than our coming one; all in all its time we got ready for a big dose of punishment...

and that made me think maybe i don't want to have a kid...i'll probably adopt one...atleast that way he or she or they can't look back one day and said why in god's name did u bring us into this muck...coz i didn't somebody else did...somebody who forgot to use a condom....infact if u've seen that ad where this kid is making a scene in a supermarket and the dad looks helpless and then the punchline comes...sympathy towards those who didn't use a condom (or something like that)...we can show kids with accusing fingers pointing towards their dads...use a condom..save urself the accusation of bringing a child into this world...

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