Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The democrazy wins again

And the UPA govt. stands...but democracy has lost again, only the democrazies have won...with their horse trading, mindless bickering...

it is so very very sad...I didn't think i'd ever say it...but now is when one might ask...where is John Galt...not who...but where...


Gunjan Aylawadi said...

John Galt is inside you!

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

blogrolled ya!:)

Benaam Badnaam said...

yeah i know...have kept a target for when i'm 40 to have a setup ready to gatecrash the party and put a jack hammer right thru their well oiled system...dreams with eyes open...

umm now being an ex software engineer i hate sounding illiterate...but really watz blogrolling and watz tagging...enlighten that i never be called an ignoramus again :D

Benaam Badnaam said...

ah ok figured tht out :D but then watz tagging? or is it the same thing wid a diff name?

danke, gracias, when i'm not in a lazy mood...i will set up my own blogroll, and u shall b on it...

btw accountant profile says...CA types?

Keshi said...

so u were bust with elections. no wonder so quiet :)


it happens all the time ha. This world has gone MAD, so yeah, it'll be always run by MAD ppl. Sadly.


Benaam Badnaam said...

not necessarily keshi girl...i believe in the power of good...

Keshi said...

I agree but when is that gonna happen? seems like we've waited all our lives... :(


Benaam Badnaam said...

grr the write tht is

waiting never got nebody nething...even to win the lottery u gotto buy the bloody ticket...

so prolly when u and i start doing something things will start ticking...and forget the i, focus on the u...dont look to others to take the lead... :)

Unknown said...

I second Gunj.

But how many of really want the John Galt to awaken?

Benaam Badnaam said...

Alok thats the question...would we rather go on this way...or would we want a John Galt to bring the system to a halt and make everyone wake up...John is actually a socially destructive person for he stops everything...

has such an emergency come? but thats the rhetorical question when i talked abt John we want that situation to come...because he will...and in ways we can't yet imagine...John Galt is not a person...its a can be a coup by the army...if Mayawati becomes the can be civil unrest...due to high can be riots due to water shortage...u never know....when and in what way John is working...but rest assured...if things continue as they are...he will come