Friday, December 21, 2007

it's not enough to do just your bit

The dirty dishes have been sitting in our sink for a couple of weeks now. The maid having left us bereft of her services. The question is how did these dishes pile up, since we all claim to wash the dishes we use. I would argue that they got into a mud fight and then happily clambered into the sink to be cleaned up, but unfortunately this ain't a chilren's animation.

It boils down to the fact that when somebody else forgot to do their dishes or couldn't because of paucity of time we let those dishes be, not only that since the other wasn't doing his work you felt cheated doing your own bit and so one by one the sink became a stink hole.

Which leads me to the next part. Who is a chamaar??? One who cleans other's excretment or one who finds no issues living in excretment. The former i believe not as bad as the latter. For there are people who have to dig the oil and clean the sewers, lay the roads but we all have the option of cleaning up our surroudings before we sleep, the ones who don't they I would label as chamaars.

Infact this is one thing that scares me off from visiting other people's homes for stays, you never know what you're going to find in their toilets.

And with that I bring you back to what I was talking about, the sink is now half clean, did up some dishes, more than my fair share and am hoping that it's going to be noticed by the other three and their brighter side would pull them to do some. It's not enough to do just your part...


an ogre in disguise said...

hahhahahahahha.... nice way to vent it out!! although ... do they (roomies)read this space??

Benaam Badnaam said...

no but they did get to hear it !!! :P