Saturday, May 17, 2008


Just that one word like religion holds a power in itself. Clinton almost lost his presidency and marriage to it. And as indian economy booms and more kids start living independently we have started being more bold about this topic and more experimentative about it.

But despite the mystery and aura that shrouds it sex is nothing but one of things we do. It is not a sin, not an elixir...just an act of pleasure and recreation.

Can it ever be tied to sin, i believe it can, when lies are involved to get it...when feelings our hurt because of it.

Can it be associated to religion, i believe it can, when it doesnt become just an force of habit, but an event to be celebrated, as osho says...smoking by itself is not bad....its the habit that is habit, even praying as a habit is bad...if u give ure full devotion to the cigarette while smoking it, or to god when praying it is an act of worship of celebration...when sex is carried out with that level of intensity it can be called worship.

other aspects of this whole matter which pertrub me are...promiscuity, casual sex and perversion. Is having had too many partners promiscuity and when does the count call become too many? or even if u have had it with one or two...does it always need to be only when you are in love or is casual sex as good or bad as involved sex? and where does perversion fit sex, swingers, lesbians and gays, kinks and fetishes...

And since i can't begin to fathom the impact or direction of these on society i reserve my thoughts to only the basic principle i believe in, our actions should not be such that they cause emotional or physical injustice to anybody, and that sometimes one can be daring and experiment with life at other times one must play safe.

brining the subject to a is but an instrument of recreation and procreation...and so one shud try and make it as special as religion and when it comes to our offspring ensure the best nutrition and healthiest environment for them to grow up in

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