Saturday, September 13, 2008

of guns and chalk powder

yesterday delhi was awakened to a grim reality that terrorism is not something we see on tv, its a grim reality we have to face too like any other indian.

And if you've seen the movie 'A Wednesday' on the same day as the blasts you feel that life has a very satarical way of moving.

But i disagree to the largest extent possible with what the movie preaches. It talks about how a common man holds the police to ransom by threatening to blow up bombs in the city if they don't help give him four terrorists, whom he blows up in the end as a retort to the terrorist attacks they have been doing.

My bro. was of an even more extremist view that an ideal resort would have been to have 20 bombs blow up in pakistan today morning in the heart of the terrorist leaders settlements that if they try any such stunt we shall reply in greater force.

What i believe is that the actual terrorists are just pawns, pawns in the hands of the rich extremists sitting in some plush palace somewhere. Our reactions of hate will only be used by them to fuel to the terrorist mindset and we will have more 'jehadis'. Look at USA and its famous 'war against terrorism', other than waste billions of dollars and spread more hate against it it has achieved nothing.

The actual war against terrorism will begin when we nip the causes. Illiteracy and unemployment. Education helps broaden a person's vision...helps develop the questioning ability, to try and understand what is right and wrong. And employment give him the ability to feed his family. Yes there are many educated youth who are terrorists but the base of the network the supporting framework comes from the rural poor. That is why there are hundreds of extremists madarsas all over india, pakistan and afghanistan in the remotest of places.

Now here is where the problem comes, the politicians can't risk educating the populace. Which educated person will elect goondaas to run there government. Hence been more than half a century of independence and we havent yet started focussing on educating the masses. It is neither a logistical problem nor a money problem. The problem is that the day you empower the masses they will not only root out the terrorists but also our current breed of politicians.

And we wait howling in pain everytime a bomb kills someone near and dear for the war against terrorism to begin


Shruti said...

hey Thanks the wishes and visit... in hurry nw.. will ping back ..cheers!

Keshi said...

the problem is with the INDIVIDUAL. Its starts with SELF.


test said...

extreme security measures.. and a bomb lands out of a lair.. and we read n re-read the newspaper versions and go back to our other things.. i think any counter measure must actually 'begin' from us if we feel we have goondas ruling us..

Sheetal Sukhija said...

Well, honestly if you saw 'We the People' on NDTV last night you'd know that there are varied opinions on this. I mean the wider issue you've discussed.
We can either blame the politicians who aren't united in their efforts to fight terror OR we could blame ourselves for electing them. OR we could blame the idea of democracy itself.
Well a lot of blaming doesn't help, so we'd rather unite now before its too late.

Benaam Badnaam said...

Thanks Shruti, Keshi, Manorath and Sheetal.

Manorath and Sheetal, both of you are right on this. Infact all sensible people would be right on this.

Neetal said...

I agree... with you... its nothing but chess game... where the big fish spreads its power across the gobble less powerful pawns ... hence to be FAT... fat in wallet... fat in arms and ammunition ... Filthy FAT... getting even FATTER each day by bully around =\

Its sad but true =/

Debasish Patra said...

I dont have the answers.

the prob is lik an epidemic.

Debasish Patra said...

blog-rolld u too :)

Rakesh Vanamali said...

The problem lies in we as a country being soft on terror despite losing human lives like cattle!

Our brass will sing Chinese praise and ignore proxy wars from across the NWFP while harping on the need for better bi-lateral relations!

Perhaps Israel should be a good follow-model!

Btw....I've blog rolled you!


Heart'n'Soul said...

Nice post... had somethn similar updated the day delhi blasts happened

Lookin n searchin for answers myself... but i guess the most we can do in such situations now is to be more cautious n look out for each other at the least :)

Chaioholic said...

Hey nice post.Makes a lot of sense....

Renu said...

I agree. i always say that even Kashmir problem can be solved by development, there people are living in tough conditions and they are not getting much help.We have a sleeping govt. who looks after only votes. Education, development of the place and employment, all this can eradicte much of the problems, as they say...enpty stomach cant be the moral keeper of society.

Crimson Feet said...

so bloody completely and totally agree with your suggestion...!!!

(ever checked

rainboy said...

all i want to say is there..and read the comment by KArtiek.

Beauty and the BEast said...

I read a lot of blogs where passionate outbursts against the rage of terrorism were coloured n frightful words...

after a long hunt I read a blog which underlines a probable solution to at least minimizing these acts...

keep thinking..

Keshi said...

who's the friend who's getting hitched? ur Fiance? ;-)


Benaam Badnaam said...

his name is 'angrez singh' a surdy...

and i dont think even u wud managed a laugh on that joke... :P

Zubin said...

Nice post..and it true..the correction should be done at the ground level..but how many really want to do that..and get filthy whilst trying...barely any.. :)

I would disagree on one thing say U.S.A has nothing..I would say...they have a lot..after 9/11...nothing ever happened again...Its simple..they value life.
In goes on like a routine drill..bombs...blasts...investication...a few caught...and here it goes again.. :)

We should start out on the lower levels..with literacy and employment but the ones who have already grown up to be terrorists can not be straightened..they shall be broken..

Gandhianism is not ALWAYS suitable.. :)

Benaam Badnaam said...

@Neeku...reminds me i shud hone up my chess skills...been quite some time since i played...also i like that pic...nicely taken

@Debashish...don't fret...keep pondering :)

@Rakesh...yeah...diplomacy is a tuff tact...that needs to be followed...Like I said we are soft on terror...coz eradicating it requires the politicians to eradicate the very roots which support them in power...poverty and illiteracy...

@Minni...yeah carries on

@Chaggo...thanks :)

@Renu...bang on the spot you are

@Crimson... :)

@beauty/beast thanks man...its pretty common sense...and written about by many ppl...getting it into action is the problem!!!

@Zubin...they don't need terrorists...those buggers have their own chaps spraying bullets in schools... :P ...on a more serious note...they have spent billions on bombing afghanistan and iraq...but barely any money on development of the two countries... if you read this book 'three cups of tea' the author an American...talks about how it is a the Americans back track on the more difficult things