Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Through the life and time of society we have been decreeing what is decent and what society finds unacceptable. Is seeing by the roadside perversion? what if you are peeing on a sapling, you are actually supplying it urea...wouldnt it be a shame to pee in the toilet and deprive the plant of nutrition it could have gotten so easy...

But this article is not about something so frivolous. Till orkut came in I had no idea how many gays and lesbians existed in India. But that wasn't the shock, soon the extent extended beyond that to alternate lifestyles...submissives, dominants, crossdressers, pain sluts, scat plays and a whole lot of other fetishes and alternate lifestyles. While I am sure Shiv Sena would like to blame it as an effect of the corrupt western world...i believe its neither corrupt nor due to the western world, but i would be digressing if I were to tackle that question in this article only...the point here is that while it took gays and lesbians to come forward slowly..they have...they are not as hidden as earlier and are gaining acceptance quite fast...soon we will find that these other perverts will demand there space under the sun...

And that brings me to what this article is really about, its about perverts, no not the gays , lez or other alternate lifestylists, they are just doing what they like, no there is a bigger sin in life...a perversion dirtier than someone who likes to eat shit...it is the perversion of feeding others shit...adulterated in normal food...it is the perversion of corruption...of falling for pleasures which harm others, of flling your coffers by starving others, the perversion of hate of finding excuse to hate another human, the perversion of not caring who comes under your car tyre, the perversion of enjoying life without being responsible for it, the perversion of feeding your kids with money...and the list goes on and on...

There are two kinds of perversion as i see it...one that will eventually change the shape of society...what is today frowned upon will become openly acceptable tomorrow...and the other which shall destroy the society itself...


ravisha said...

...here i was...thinking noone gave a damn just coz noone had the balls to admit the fact that they give a damn...great going..

ravisha said...

...here i was...thinking noone gave a damn just coz noone had the balls to admit the fact that they give a damn...great going..