Tuesday, October 23, 2007

We need specs

The sectoral courses at my college have been the point of unrest with the core mba people vehmently opposing these courses. With lot of points being raised in opposition to such courses, breach of trust, lack of quality intake, dilution of core brand, unnecessary competition, contextual relevance with threat of redundance, oh ya lack of infrastructure to house more courses, Yes i think i have covered them all. The final brink point has been placements, whilst the core people demanding that separate placements be held for core and sectoral programmes and the administration refusing it on practicality grounds.

Whilst there are some valid reasons on both sides, the strategic viewpoint of sectoral courses is lost for the moment. Whether the industry demands such courses, how the industry perceives the college, whether it takes sectoral and core as one reflection or whether they are different and if different then on what aspects.

With only a short term view of the situation i believe we are casting away a very strategic leverage that could be of use in the future.

It would be sissy like to just give out the objective view on this topic and not take a personal stand being in the thick of situation. I believe that sectoral programmes might be the way ahead, its like a superspecialization and while most of the industries wouldnt need more than a general manager, there are some where super specializations will be a good value add. There is always a fear of losing a good job to another and yes more competition increases that fear but then competition is something that is increasingly becoming tougher so its a reality to accept, also this year atleast the sectoral courses are at a disadvantage cause they are the first batch so most organizations would be wary of their produce. So as of now i am not really scared that someone from the sectoral course is gonna steal my coveted job, and if they can give a fight, i am all looking forward to the duel and i wish them luck.

What really pertrubs me is that there is water cooler in the outdoor sitting area which has been leaking since the day i came about an year and a half back and the core, the sectoral and the administration together have not been able to find a solution to that, or is it that they can't care enough. I leave this one problem unsolved so that every time i come back i can see whether this instituion that i am from, has it put on its specs and finally been able to see the things that will make it worldclass or is still bickering over small personal fights.

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