Friday, November 28, 2008

so now what

there were blasts in the train

there were blasts in the market

this time they found spraying bullets more convenient...

Does the carnage stop here...or will be the people sitting in the lawns of India gate next, name your city and i guess between all of us we could come up with plans of how to attack it...not to say the terrorists would do a better job of it...

I have many a critique of how this whole incident was handled...but that would be side lining the point...the veneer of isolation...the silo we put ourselves in...the feeling of safety has for a large part been shattered pretty soundly...the next time our family and friends step out into the city...we will wonder if we will see them again...

And angry as we may be...bombs and guns are no solution to the problem...donkeys of year later and billions of dollars down US has only shot itself in the foot in its so called war against terrorism...

Not that when gunz are blazing u use roses...(although Gandhi would suggest that and i quite agree with him...but that method it takes a strong will to sacrifice self and near and dear ones which i dont believe we yet have...) but the problem doesnt get solved by killing a terrorist...the problem will only get solved when lil sweet kids...dont grow up to become the faces of terror...

I would 'three cups of tea' ...its an insight of Pakistan by an American and once you've read it you'll understand why i asked u to read it


about where and why i disappeared and other such questions...lets just experiments with it :P


Neetal said...

Its so sad... I am still not over it....

Keshi said...

Good to see a post from u. Missed ya.

So now what...I asked a very similar qn in my blog!!

Its totally SENSELESS and so very HEARTBREAKING.

TC wherever u go!
