Monday, December 1, 2008

my election manifesto

A lot of people are praying in silence, some are wearing white shirts, or ribbons or lighting candles...thats not me...this is my way of paying my respects to those who passed away...this is what i want to do... I don't know if i will ever be able to...probably in that sense the people lighting the candles are more action oriented...but this is me...this is my election manifesto...the first draft from an airport lounge so please forgive its crudeness or lack of detail...and please help add to it

1. The War against unrest (internal and external):
a. Education: Build new schools especially in naxalite or terrorist prone areas, strengthen the existing structure with focus on teacher development
b. Employment opportunities: Investment in
i. Rural infrastructure building: (sanitation, electrification, water, teaching)
ii. Environment development and green tourism: re-green-ification, re-hydration, heritage maintenance
c. Security
i. Police: making police force independent of the state political machinery similar in structure to the armed forces
ii. Investing in advanced equipment for both armed forces and police
2. Governance
a. Corruption: Strengthening CAD (comptroller auditor general) to develop an audit system for all transaction based roles
b. One India ID: Integrate the pan card and voter id into one common id to be used consistently across India to identify people.
c. B-plan based system: All annual planning to be based on a b-plan(with social, economic returns) based systems including setting KRAs top down.
d. Regulations:
i. Gambling: Legalizing and regulating gambling and ensuring all operators are registered.
ii. Prostitution: Similarly legalizing and regulating prostitution
1. Strict norms of operation
2. Program to provide rehabilitation options to existing sex-workers
3. Making child trafficking a crime punishable by death
3. Equality
a. Opportunity provisions: Changing over from the reservation based system to equal opportunity, providing opportunities to the underprivileged ones to develop as well as the privileged ones.


Keshi said...

Some very good suggestions there Mystique! I loved ur list.

Education and equal opportunities for EVERYONE is very imp in combatting Terrorism. ppl turn to Violence cos of poverty, lack of education and equal opportunities. Thats why countries like Sri Lanka, India, Iraq, Pakistan etc hv growing number of terrorists.

Im very sad...still in shock.


Rakesh Vanamali said...

I quite agree! But would our politicos ever envision such a manifesto?

gypsy said...

try becomin a poiltician and bringing all these things... stay assured most of us would vote for you!